Meet AUDIN™!


is the name of the percussion musical instrument created by Pyramid Energy® which emits harmonics and a fundamental note that changes depending on its size and construction thickness.

This name represents phonetically what it produces on a sound level: AU harmonics and DIN notes.

It was inspired by some people who, meditating inside the static Pyramids, perceived celestial harmonies.

Born on New Year's Eve 2020 while my partner and I hit the various Pyramids available and felt the effects on our bodies.

I began to create them in brass and then bronze, further improving the sound qualities.

Over time we have had the opportunity to understand how vibratory effects quickly modify matter and with sound this effect is further accentuated especially where liquids are present.

The sound propagates in the air at 330 m/s while in the water at 1400 m/s I like to think that the harmonics of Audin ™ have an effect on the conditions of human and animal bodies composed of 80% water. I invite you to feel the taste of the wine as it changes and the quality of the foods that receive these vibrations.

In the following image you can see a cymatics study and that the percussion of the base or the edge creates the two-dimensional Pyramid seen from above where the vertices are vortices of energy.

Check out the video with Maestro Bruno Oddenino who helped find the notes emitted by AUDIN™.

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