Are you aware that many foods, even "organic" ones, can have a low level of vital energy and therefore do not contribute fully to our sustenance? Consider all the products that have been closed in plastic packaging for years or frozen that we eat every day. What vitality can they still have and what connection with the energy that vitalizes everything on this planet that is mainly the sun?

Now imagine nourishing your body not only with certified food, but with foods that vibrate with vital energy, improving your energy level and general well-being.

This is the essence of vibrational nutrition, a new frontier that integrates the vital energy from the sun, the earth and the planets, known as ether, qi or prana.

What is Vibrational Nutrition?

Vibrational nutrition considers the vitality of the seed and plants, the way they are grown, the health of the fields and the transformation of the product until it reaches our tables.

Using the Bovis scale, through radiesthesic knowledge, we can measure the vital energy of foods, classifying them as pathological (0-3000), healthy (7000-10,000), ethereal (10,000-14,000) and spiritual (over 14,000). In the following video you can get clarifications on this matter.

Measuring Vital Energy

There are advanced tools, such as the WebWellness software called Life Expert and Biowell, which measure the biofrequencies and the energy level in joules of the energy channels of the bodies, or of the foods, also determining the level of vital energy present in the foods.

In the following image you can see one of the data obtained with our studies:

after 20' in a Pyramid of the Stars the oil had a 300% increase in vital energy.

The Power of the Audin® Sound Pyramid

The Pyramids of the Stars, both static and sound, like the Audin® Sound Pyramid, quickly raise the vibrations of food. Thanks to the concentration of ether emitted by the shape and thanks to the harmonic frequencies emitted with a light percussion, these Pyramids increase the vibrations of food, making them vital in a few seconds!

Practical Applications

Star Pyramids can be placed in fields to charge seeds and plants, increasing their vital energy before planting. Watch how farmers Federico and Alberto increase the vital energy of their fields by placing a Star Pyramid in the most suitable spot, and how their products maintain a high level of vital energy even after being processed and pickled.

Some restaurants , such as Aqua Bad Cortina ) , are integrating Audin® into their food preparation, vibrationally raising their dishes with sound and bringing them to the frequencies of the heart.

Many esteemed winemakers in the area have discovered how the sound of the Audin® modifies the olfactory and gustatory qualities of the wine in one minute, removing acidity and improving the quality of their wine product

Many ordinary people use this tool to raise the vibration of drinks, foods, supplements or medications they take on a daily basis.

Join Us in Vibrational Wellbeing

We thank all those who believe in the harmonic forms created with the golden proportion PHI of the Pyramids of the Stars of and who support the realization of their own well-being, growth and awakening.

For more information, visit our website and don't miss the collections and the offers to have your Pyramid of the Stars always with you.

Choose Vibrational Wellbeing

Don't wait! Start your journey today towards a diet that nourishes not only the body, but also the soul and spirit. The Audin® Static and Sound Pyramid awaits you to improve your energy state and bring well-being to your daily life.

Learn more at and join us in the vibrational nutrition revolution.



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